Thursday, March 12, 2009

mad as hell & not going to take it anymore

yes, here they go again... the "little people" are mad as hell and banning the "m" word again...

they are upset that the writer, david segal in today's NY Times used a descriptive word picture...

"The most indelible image of the commission's hearings was a photo of J.P. Morgan with a midget who had been plopped in his lap by an opportunistic publicist."

there, i said it. put it in print. midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget, midget.

now they are going to huff and puff and blow my house down...

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